Friday, August 15, 2008

"Tug-the-knot" at Tug Fest 2008

Tug Fest - a festival I had never heard of, let alone ever attended. Little did I know that it is a BIG deal!! Think tug of war over the Mississippi!! Iowa vs Illinois. Clear Channel Radio and KUUL 101.3 ( gave me the opportunity to photograph a simultaneous wedding ceremony that took place on both sides of the river (I had the IL side). I met Eric and Amber the day of the wedding and they looked fantastic. Amber was absolutely stunning and made my job so easy! The two couples competed the following day in a tug-of-war event - winner gets a honeymoon trip to Mexico. The catch? All the "tuggers" had to be "bridesmaids". So all females you ask? No! Male bridesmaids were fine - IF they wore dresses!! And guess what? Eric and Amber WON!! KUUL 101.3 has a number of pictures of that event up on their website! Go check it out!

Anyway, just thought I'd share a few of their pictures that I just love. I'm sure as I'm going through to edit I'll come up with more, but for now, here you go:

Friday, August 8, 2008

Jason & Shelly

Jason is a cousin of my husband's and it was such a pleasure to be able to photograph their beautiful family (including Max, the dog). Everyone was cooperative (for the most part) - though it took some prodding, and their pictures turned out wonderful. Hope you enjoy the sneak peek!