Thursday, December 11, 2008

Big Changes - slightly delayed I know I said that big changes were coming on Dec. 1st. Well, obviously that date has come and gone, and no changes have been made yet :) Things got really busy with the holidays and all and I just haven't had time to finalize the new pricing structure. Please stay tuned....and know they ARE coming!

Thanks for your patience!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

A year old!!

Cake?? Did somebody say cake??? Just frosting for me please :)

What a cutie! Thanks so much for spending your morning with me.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Rachel & Brit

I'm a little behind, so this is late, but....this wedding took place at a most BEAUTIFUL location, which gave GREAT opportunities for fun photography. Here's a couple of my favorites!! Hope you enjoy your sneak peek!

Christmas is coming!

Which's time for holiday portraits! And who better to photograph than your beautiful children?? These are a few favorites from a session I did on Saturday morning. Gorgeous kids, don't you think??

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Big Changes Coming!!!

Everyone be on the lookout for the big changes coming in December 2008! I'm in the midst of overhauling my pricing and packages. I'm very excited about the changes and think you will be too! New prices will go into effect December 1, 2008. All sessions booked before December 1st, for after that date, will have the option of ordering from the old price list.

Excitement is in the air!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

The "D" Family

These boys must be the most photogenic kids EVER! What an easy session with a gorgeous family. Hope you enjoy your sneak peek!

Saturday, October 25, 2008

A Gloomy Day at the Park!

What great sports!! It had been raining the better part of the day, and was COLD! Yet, somehow, these children still willingly smiled and had fun. Everything was wet and gloomy, but by the looks on their'd never know it! Thanks for hanging out with me :)

Here's a sneak peek.

Monday, September 22, 2008


Avolyn is a senior at Kennedy this year. We had a blast walking around downtown CR for her senior pictures. She was looking for urban shots, and I was a little concerned that we may not find much to use with the aftermath of all the flooding. Thankfully, we were able to find quite a few "perfect" spots. We plan to head out for one more session before calling it done, but here's a few of my favorites from Saturday.

Friday, August 15, 2008

"Tug-the-knot" at Tug Fest 2008

Tug Fest - a festival I had never heard of, let alone ever attended. Little did I know that it is a BIG deal!! Think tug of war over the Mississippi!! Iowa vs Illinois. Clear Channel Radio and KUUL 101.3 ( gave me the opportunity to photograph a simultaneous wedding ceremony that took place on both sides of the river (I had the IL side). I met Eric and Amber the day of the wedding and they looked fantastic. Amber was absolutely stunning and made my job so easy! The two couples competed the following day in a tug-of-war event - winner gets a honeymoon trip to Mexico. The catch? All the "tuggers" had to be "bridesmaids". So all females you ask? No! Male bridesmaids were fine - IF they wore dresses!! And guess what? Eric and Amber WON!! KUUL 101.3 has a number of pictures of that event up on their website! Go check it out!

Anyway, just thought I'd share a few of their pictures that I just love. I'm sure as I'm going through to edit I'll come up with more, but for now, here you go:

Friday, August 8, 2008

Jason & Shelly

Jason is a cousin of my husband's and it was such a pleasure to be able to photograph their beautiful family (including Max, the dog). Everyone was cooperative (for the most part) - though it took some prodding, and their pictures turned out wonderful. Hope you enjoy the sneak peek!

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Trash the dress

It's the new rave in wedding photography, it's called "trash the dress". Not sure? Check out . There's no rules.....

Wanna trash your dress?? Or even want to trash a new dress??? Whatever suits you. I'm on the hunt for someone who wants to "trash the dress"!! If you're even the slightest interested, please shoot me an email, give me a call, whatever!! Let's do it!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Fun, fun, fun!!

That was the entire essence of this family! They were beautiful, and so much fun! With quadruplets I was fully expecting to get my workout. Turns out, they were unbelievably cooperative, and things went smoother than I could've ever imagined. I've taken a peek through their images, and just have to share a few of my favorites!

Monday, July 7, 2008

More Karly

As promised - here's a few more from Karly's senior session

Sunday, July 6, 2008


Karly and I got together on Saturday for a post July 4th senior session. She was a very willing subject and photographed beautifully. Though she was VERY nervous about her backdrop shots I managed to get a shot that I just love (I hope she loves it too) - even if she did feel silly with a fan blowing on her :)

I'll put a few more up for a sneak peek tomorrow :)

Jessica & Troy's Wedding

Jessica & Troy had a BEAUTIFUL day for a wedding! That is until it got REALLY windy :) Jessica and I started bright and early in the morning, and everything was smooth sailing from there. Thanks to Jessica & Troy for letting me such a big part of their special day!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Aaron & Molly

I had the privilege of photographing Aaron & Molly's wedding this past weekend. It was beautiful wedding, and I had a lot of fun. They had a GORGEOUS reception in the Amanas and the cake centerpieces were fabulous!

Anyway, here's a little sneak peek at their day:

Saturday, June 14, 2008

More Flooding

As the waters of the Cedar River are finally going down, I wanted to share a few photos of the worst of the flooding. I think it is safe to say that Cedar Rapids will never be the same again. The waters have completely devastated so many homes and businesses. I can only imagine what the coming months will have in store with cleanup. I had a small amount of water in my basement and have been spending the last few days tearing up carpet and trying to reduce the stench down there!!

Anyway, here are a few pictures taken on Thursday night (as the river was approaching it's crest), if you want to see the full set of them, please go to .